Blueberry Crostata Recipe (2024)

Published by Pam Kessler | 715 words. · About 4 minutes to read this article. - 40 Comments

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Whatever you call it . . . crostata, galette, rustic pie or rustic tart. Just don't call me late for dinner.

These types of pies are all the rage right now, but did you know I invented this type of pie?

Way back in 1960-something?

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (1)

I was going to try to make myself sound younger than I am and say 1980-something, but figured someone would call me out for that! With the internet, you just can't lie about your age like you used to.

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (2)

I remember sitting in my mom's kitchen when I was a kid and when she was done making a pie she would hand me the scraps of pie dough that were left over. You know, the pieces that she had trimmed off the pie after she had crimped it together.

I would smash them into a ball with my grubby little fingers and then roll them out again into a circle with a juice glass and make my own mini, made just for me, resemblance of a pie.

I'd cut up some apple slices and place them in the middle of the dough and then crunch up the edges as far as I could get them. There was always more pie filling than pie dough, so the dough rarely, if ever, met in the middle.

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (3)

Imagine my surprise, when years (many, manyyears) later I realized that I had been making crostatas all along. Who knew I was on the cutting edge of pie making way back then.

I'm just a beacon of trendiness, I tell you.

The other day I was hanging out at my local farm market and noticed they had a ton of blueberries.

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (4)

Just begging to be made into a pie.

Please throw me in the oven and make the juices run out of me, they seemed to say!

I bought a few pints (one for the pie and one for the ride home) and started dreaming of cooking those little suckers!

BTW, the farm market does not give you the cute little blue containers, they dump them in a bag for you??? Just saying, when I'm paying that much for fresh blueberries, can't you give a girl a cardboard carton?

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (5)

OK, back to the recipe:

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (6)

Blueberry Crostata Recipe

A super simple 30 minute Blueberry Crostata Recipe. Also known as galette, rustic pie or rustic tart, it is perfect for new bakers. You cannot go wrong with this one.

5 from 25 votes

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Servings: 6 servings

Calories: 270kcal

Author: Pam Kessler


  • 1 pint fresh blueberries approx. 2 cups
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar plus a little more for sprinkling
  • 1 ½ teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon butter cut into pieces
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 store bought refrigerated pie crust (like Pillsbury)


  • Heat oven to 425 degrees F.

  • Unroll pie crust and place on a baking sheet. You can use a Silpat or parchment paper, but I just put it straight onto the baking sheet and it did fine (no greasing of pan required).

  • In a medium sized bowl, toss together the blueberries, cornstarch, sugar and lemon juice.

  • Spoon mixture into the middle of the crust leaving about 2" around the edge.

  • Fold the edges over in a haphazard way (neatness does not count here). You want fruit in the middle to show.

  • Cut the butter up into 6-8 chunks and place on top of the blueberries.

  • Whisk up the egg and water in a small bowl. Brush this onto the crust and sprinkle with sugar.

  • Bake 20-23 minutes until the crust is a nice golden brown.

  • Once cooled, you can move it onto a serving plate or be all fancy and serve straight from the baking sheet.

  • This is especially yummy with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of your slice.


Calories: 270kcal

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Blueberry Crostata Recipe (7)

NOTE: Of course you can make your own pie crust if you want to get all hoity-toity on me. And actually I normally do make my own, but it's summer and if the name of the game is to make a FAST and EASY pie that you can make and devour QUICKLY, then just go for the store bought stuff.

Blueberry Crostata Recipe (8)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Jaime

    I made this tonight and it was amazing! I added free form heart cutouts on top using the second crust in the box. YUM YUM YUM and so pretty! Not too sweet, just right! Thank you for sharing the recipe


    • Pam Kessler

      I am so glad you liked it! The heart cutouts sounds like a cute addition!


  2. Kathy

    We’re trying to get my 90 year old father to put on some weight. I made this and he practically wiped it out himself! I did add the zest of the lemon to the filling (because everything is better with a little zest!)


    • Raye

      Is it OK to use frozen blueberries in this recipe?


  3. Denise

    Was wondering if you could skip the egg wash on the crust ? My husband is allergic to eggs?


    • Marsha

      You can just cream, milk or even evaporated milk.


  4. Marcy

    Love this! So easy, definitely a go to for enticing new friends!


  5. jodi

    Turned put wonderfully. I brushed crust with cream instead of egg and sprinkled the top with cinnamon sugar before popping it in the oven


  6. Earl Ann Bumpus

    This is DELICIOUS! I used Monk Fruit sweetner instead of sugar...great!


    • Pam Kessler

      Thank you for the feedback! I've never tried the monk sweetener before, but sounds like a great alternative!


  7. Joan

    I love this! I’ve made it 4 times in the past 2 weeks. The only change I made was to add the lemon peel shredded on a micro plane! DELICIOUS!!!!!


    • Pam Kessler

      That sounds yummy! I'm going to try adding that this weekend when I make another one!


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Blueberry Crostata Recipe (2024)


Is a crostata the same as a galette? ›

A galette, also known as a crostata, is an oversized pie crust that is stuffed with fruit, or savory vegetables, and then the edges are folded up to resemble a flat pie.

How do you make blueberries more flavorful? ›

The simplest is simply to macerate them with sugar. Mix the berries with a few tablespoons of sugar and some citrus zest. Blueberries pair well with lime but orange or lemon would work as well. You'll want to mash a few berries to release the juice but leave most of them whole.

How do you know when a blueberry pie is done? ›

A fruit pie is ready to be pulled from the oven when its juices are bubbling in the center of the pie, not just the sides! Especially if it is a very juicy pie, make sure those bubbles are have a slower, thick appearance to them, as opposed to the faster, more watery bubbles that appear on the edges of a pie at first.

How to make blueberries sweet? ›

Macerating—soaking or steeping in liquid and/or sweetener—is one of the easiest and fastest ways to doctor up sub-par berries. Toss them in sugar, honey, or maple syrup, along with a little fresh juice or alcohol (an herbal liqueur, like elderflower spirit, would be great).

What is the French version of crostata? ›

Fun Fact: when restaurants are having trouble selling crostatas, they re-name it, galette. Galette is French, Crostata is Italian, both e... Instagram.

How do you make a galette not soggy? ›

Don't skip the cornstarch in the recipe, to avoid a runny filling and soggy bottom. Drain the excess liquid from the peach mixture as you add them to the crust. Most importantly, be sure to cook the galette completely. The galette is fully baked when the crust is deep golden brown and the peaches are bubbling.

Why do you put lemon in blueberries? ›

The tartness of lemon provides a bright and zesty contrast to the sweetness of blueberries. Lemon can enhance the flavor of blueberries by adding a touch of acidity that brings out their natural sweetness. Both lemon and blueberry are versatile flavors that can be used in a variety of dishes, from sweet to savory.

What happens when you add sugar to blueberries? ›

The process of adding sugar (or in some cases, a splash of liqueur for additional flavor) to fruit and letting it steep over time is known as maceration. In addition to enhancing their natural sweetness, macerating amplifies berries' natural flavor.

What spices enhance blueberries? ›

Don't forget about spices and herbs. Blueberries pair well with basil, cinnamon, ginger, lavender, lemon, thyme, nutmeg, rosemary, mint, and many more!

Should I Prebake my pie crust for blueberry pie? ›

Pre baking your pie crust is the easiest way to guarantee a crispy pie crust with no soggy bottoms. Yes, even underneath a juicy fruit or custardy cream filling!

What is the best thickener for blueberry pie? ›

We like tapioca in blueberry, cherry or peach pies. Arrowroot, unlike cornstarch, is not broken down by the acid in the fruit you are using so it is a good choice for fruit with a higher content of acidity such as strawberries or blackberries.

Is it better to use fresh or frozen blueberries for pie? ›

If cooking your berries into a pie filling, you may need to add additional thickening agents because frozen berries tend to release more liquid than fresh and will lead to a runnier consistency. For best results in your baking, don't defrost the berries before use but instead toss them in flour.

What do coffee grounds do for blueberries? ›

Coffee grounds are highly acidic, they note, so they should be reserved for acid-loving plants like azaleas and blueberries. And if your soil is already high in nitrogen, the extra boost from coffee grounds could stunt the growth of fruits and flowers.

What is the blueberry water trick? ›

“A common practice when harvesting blueberries is to pour the ripe and unripe mixture of blueberries into a tank of water to not only wash them, but also cause ripe berries to sink and green or unripened berries to float on the surface to be skimmed off and separated.”

Why do my blueberries not taste sweet? ›

The three main factors governing sweetness are adequate sunlight, weather (especially moisture) and soil nutrition. Sunlight-wise, is it possible that your bushes are getting less light now because nearby trees have grown and created more shade? Weather-wise, berries are actually sweeter in drier years during ripening.

What are the three different types of galette? ›

For this recipe, we use puff pastry to keep things super easy! What are the three different types of galette? The three most common types of galette are galette Breton, galette de rois, and fruit galette.

What is the difference between a croustade and a galette? ›

For pastry, it generally means a free form pie or tart. Croustades can be individual or larger. Galette: Galettes are sweet or savory baked items.

What is the Italian word for galette? ›

Crostatas are simply the Italian version of the galette, meaning, there is really no difference at all except the name (per MyRecipes). Yes, you heard that right! They're essentially interchangeable.


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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