Data lakes vs. databases: key differences explained (2024)

Discover the critical differences between data lakes and databases to choose the right data solution for your business needs.

Almost everyone knows what a database is—a structured storage system where data is organized neatly in tables and rows, much like a spreadsheet on steroids. But when it comes to a data lake, fewer people may be familiar. Unlike the rigid, structured environment of a database, a data lake is more like a vast library where content is scattered about. It stores a massive volume of raw data in its native format.

Data lakes, data warehouses and now data lakehouses are all part of an evolving vocabulary in the world of data management. As new technologies emerge and vendors introduce innovative data services, figuring out which option to choose can seem overwhelming. However, understanding the unique advantages of each data storage solution can guide you to the best fit for your company's evolving needs.

The critical role of databases in unlocking data

A database is essentially an organized collection of data. It’s what you use everytime you frequent an app or buy from an online store. Sort of a digital butler, always ready to fetch what you need. Databases house various types of data—text, numbers, images, videos and other files—all organized for easy access and management. However, effectively navigating this system is crucial to fully leverage its capabilities.

Types of databases: Relational, in-memory, and noSQL

Choosing the right database makes all the difference, as it will transform how you capitalize on your data.

  • Relational databases: Relational databases are foundational for data storage across various industries, using tables to systematically organize data for easy access and management. Their interconnected nature and the use of 'Keys' for linking tables simplify data retrieval and enhance data management, making them essential for web applications and user data.
  • In-memory databases: In-memory databases store data in RAM instead of on disk, making them significantly faster and responsive. They’re ideal for applications requiring real-time analytics and operations, as they minimize latency, making them suitable for high-throughput environments like financial trading and real-time recommendation systems. Their architecture reduces the need for indexing and storage optimization, leading to faster query performance.
  • NoSQL databases: NoSQL databases excel in managing both structured and unstructured data through a schemaless design, focusing on documents rather than rows and columns. Their flexibility makes them ideal for fast-paced environments like social media and e-commerce. Under these circ*mstances, they enable rapid, on-the-fly data manipulation and analysis to meet the demands of big data applications.

Databases are instrumental in how we handle and leverage data. It doesn't matter if you're using neatly organized relational databases or tapping into the flexibility of NoSQL databases—either can significantly fit right into your business operations. In the end, the perfect database is the one that best serves the types of data you are working with and how it needs to be consumed.

The versatility of data lakes

A data lake is essentially a data repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it's needed. Whereas databases typically require data to be transformed and normalized before storage, data lakes accept all kinds of raw, pre-transformation data.

Data lakes are typically hosted in scalable cloud architectures, allowing businesses to store data as they grow without worrying about running out of space. Data lake architecture offers significant flexibility, enabling users to configure and reconfigure data in ways that best serve their analytical needs using scalable cloud compute resources.

How data lakes store unstructured and structured data

The great thing about data lakes is that they don’t discriminate among different types of data sets. In their role as data stores, data lakes enable organizations to consolidate both structured data from relational databases and unstructured data from emails, PDFs or IoT devices. It's all stored as files, an approach that simplifies storage and democratizes data access across the organization. No need to meticulously plan everything out or predict every question you might need answered down the road. Analysts can dip into this lake to gather the insights they need when they need.

Common use cases and advantages for data lakes

Data lakes shine in various scenarios, especially advanced analytics. They’re suitable for handling big data analytics: companies can scoop up detailed insights from their massive pools of stored data to drive strategic decisions and innovate faster than ever. Data lake architecture supports this by allowing for the storage of vast amounts of raw, unstructured, and semi-structured data, making it accessible for diverse analytical tools and applications

Use case: Coupa

Coupa is a case in point. The corporate expense management company struggled with data silos that limited their ability to gain actionable insights into customer behavior and platform usage. To overcome this, the company transformed its data architecture, focusing on establishing a robust data lake. The initiative aimed to consolidate disparate customer data from various sources like Salesforce, Marketo, and Netsuite into a unified data lake, facilitating seamless data access and analysis.

Coupa streamlined its data integration by partnering with Fivetran, effectively populating their data lake and significantly improving data analysis. The shift greatly enhanced decision-making and customer experiences, eliminated data fragmentation, and fueled significant product development and business growth.

Use case: Meditopia

Meditopia, a mental wellness platform, struggled with data scattered across various digital advertising platforms like Google and Facebook, relying on labor-intensive processes to gather and analyze data. Their approach involved manually downloading CSV files and merging them in Excel, which was neither efficient nor scalable. As the startup aimed to grow, the need for a centralized system to streamline their data analytics became apparent.

Meditopia addressed this by integrating their disparate data sources into a data lake, subsequently funneling this information into Google BigQuery for enhanced processing and analysis. Data centralization allowed for rapid model deployment and analysis, improving marketing strategies and product development. By leveraging the data lake, Meditopia was able to achieve quicker insights, faster decision-making, and a substantial boost in conversion rates and subscriber growth.

Both companies demonstrate the power of data lakes in action. These systems offer incredible scalability, unmatched flexibility and the capacity to store every type of data imaginable. They enable your data to grow and evolve as your business does, without ever missing a beat.

Comparing data lakes and databases

Navigating the world of data storage and management means making some crucial decisions. You’ll need to decide whether to opt for the structured and speedy access of traditional databases or the expansive and adaptable nature of data lakes. Understanding the key differences can help you make the best choice for your needs.

Data structure comparison

A traditional database requires you to establish a schema-on-write. Essentially, you need to decide exactly how data will be organized before it is stored, ensuring that everything has a predefined structure. Data lakes, in contrast, use a schema-on-read approach. You can store data without initially defining its structure. While offering considerable flexibility, this approach also necessitates more effort when you eventually retrieve and organize the data for specific uses.

Data lakes vs. databases: key differences explained (1)

  • Data processing capabilities: Databases excel at handling specific queries quickly and efficiently, making them ideal for operations where speed is crucial. A prime example would be a bank that uses a relational database optimized for real-time transaction processing. It’s able to quickly query customer account balances and immediate update deposits or withdrawals.

Conversely, data lakes, while capable of managing massive volumes of diverse data, require more expertise to achieve comparable processing efficiency and speed. A telecommunications company might employ a data lake to analyze the millions of call data records and other diverse data types it receives, including network traffic and customer feedback.

  • Operational efficiency and responsiveness: Databases are optimized for high-speed data processing, efficiently handling complex transactions and data retrieval. As a result, they excel in query performance. Data lakes, though capable of storing vast amounts of data, often require careful optimization to match the processing speeds of traditional databases.
  • Scalability and storage: Traditional databases can quickly become limited in storage capacity, much like trying to fit more into a fixed-size bookshelf. In contrast, data lakes are designed to scale extensively, growing in storage capacity as more data is accumulated, which is ideal for data-intensive applications.

Deciding between a data lake and a traditional database really depends on what’s more important for your projects — structure and speed or flexibility and scale. Each option serves different operational needs and outcomes, much like selecting the appropriate equipment for a specific task. It's all about picking the right tool for the job.

Choosing between a data lake and a database

Deciding between a data lake and a traditional database isn’t just about picking a technology—it’s about aligning your data management tools with your business needs. Exploring a few key factors can guide your decision on whether to opt for a data lake or a traditional database.

Key considerations when making a decision

Consider the type of data you're dealing with. If your operations generate a mix of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data, a data lake might be your best bet because it’s designed to handle this diversity seamlessly. However, if you’re mostly dealing with structured data and require complex transactions, a traditional database could be more up your alley.

Next, think about scalability needs. If you expect your data to grow exponentially, consider the scalability of your chosen solution. Data lakes are inherently scalable and can manage vast amounts of data without performance hiccups. Databases can scale too, but often with more limitations and potentially higher costs.

Then there’s the aspect of processing capabilities. Data lakes are great for big data analytics and exploring data in ways that aren’t possible in the structured world of databases. On the flip side, databases are typically faster when it comes to transaction processing and complex queries that rely on a predefined schema.


Data Lakes



Vast repositories that store massive volumes of raw data in its native format.

Organized collections of data, structured neatly in tables and rows for easy access and management.

Data Types Handled

Handles all types of data: structured, unstructured and semi-structured.

Primarily designed for structured data but can store various types of data depending on the system.

Storage Flexibility

Highly flexible, accepts data without requiring transformation or normalization.

Requires data to be structured and often normalized before storage.

Use Cases

Ideal for big data analytics, real-time processing and machine learning applications.

Best suited for applications needing quick, transactional processing and complex queries.


Scalable cloud architectures allow for expansion without physical space limitations.

Can be scalable but often with more restrictions and potentially higher costs.

Data Processing

Schema-on-read; requires defining the data structure at the time of reading, which adds complexity.

Schema-on-write; data must be structured before storage, allowing for faster querying.


Can require optimization for processing speeds comparable to traditional databases.

Optimized for high-speed data processing and efficient handling of transactional data

Storage Method

Data is stored as files, simplifying storage and broadening access across the organization.

Data is stored in predefined formats, requiring meticulous planning for use and analysis.


Uber for route optimization and real-time analytics, Capital One for fraud detection with ML.

Commonly used in web applications, e-commerce and any data-intensive service with user interaction

Maximizing business value with data lake integration by Fivetran

Choosing between data lakes and databases can significantly influence your organization's capacity to fully leverage data management capabilities. Learn how Fivetran’s data integration tools can streamline your data workflows and optimize analysis. Start your journey with a free trial at Fivetran today and leverage your data for maximum impact!

Data lakes vs. databases: key differences explained (2024)


Data lakes vs. databases: key differences explained? ›

What is the difference between a database and a data lake? A database stores the current data required to power an application. A data lake stores current and historical data for one or more systems in its raw form for the purpose of analyzing the data.

What is the difference between database and data lake? ›

Data lakes accept unstructured data while data warehouses only accept structured data from multiple sources. Databases perform best when there's a single source of structured data and have limitations at scale.

What are the key differences between data lake and data warehouse? ›

What's the difference between a data lake and a data warehouse? Data lakes store all types of raw data, which data scientists may then use for a variety of projects. Data warehouses store cleaned and processed data, which can then be used to source analytic or operational reporting, as well as specific BI use cases.

What is a key difference between data lakes compared to more traditional data management options such as data warehouses? ›

While data warehouses store structured data, a lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store any data at any scale. A data lake offers more storage options, has more complexity, and has different use cases compared to a data warehouse.

What are the potential benefits of data lakes compared to other enterprise databases? ›

Compared to traditional databases, data lakes offer flexibility and scalability, as they don't impose rigid structures or schemas, allowing data to be stored in its native form for later use in analysis or other purposes.

What is an example of a data lake? ›

Examples include HTML, XML, and JSON files. While these may have hierarchical or tagged structures, they require further processing to become fully structured. Unstructured data sources. This category includes a diverse range of data types that do not have a predefined structure.

Is Snowflake a data warehouse or data lake? ›

Snowflake offers customers the ability to ingest data to a managed repository, in what's commonly referred to as a data warehouse architecture, but also gives customers the ability to read and write data in cloud object storage, functioning as a data lake query engine.

Is Amazon S3 a data lake? ›

With Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as your data lake foundation, you can tap into AWS analytics services to support your data needs from data ingestion, movement, and storage to big data analytics, streaming analytics, business intelligence, machine learning (ML), and more – all with the best price ...

What are the benefits of a data lake? ›

Data lakes are a cost-effective type of storage for large amounts of data from various sources. Data lakes typically allow data of any structure, which reduces cost because data is more flexible and scalable as it doesn't need to fit a specific schema. Data lakes are typically both large and inexpensive.

What is the difference between big data and data lake? ›

Big Data in the simplest of words is huge amounts of DATA. On the other hand, Data Lake is a repository for Big Data. It stores data of all types i.e. structured, unstructured, and semi-structured, that has been generated from different sources. It stores data in its rawest form.

What is the main difference between a data lake and a data warehouse Mcq? ›

A data lake is a massive repository of structured and unstructured data, and the purpose for this data has not been defined. A data warehouse is a repository of highly structured historical data which has been processed for a defined purpose.

What is the difference between data and database? ›

Data is made up of small facts and information without context. If you give data context, then you have information. Knowledge is gained when information is consumed and used for decision making. A database is an organized collection of related information.

What are the disadvantages of a data lake? ›

Without easy ways to delete data, organizations are highly limited (and often fined) by regulatory bodies. Data lakes also make it challenging to keep historical versions of data at a reasonable cost, because they require manual snapshots to be put in place and all those snapshots to be stored.

How is a data lake different from a database? ›

What is the difference between a database and a data lake? A database stores the current data required to power an application. A data lake stores current and historical data for one or more systems in its raw form for the purpose of analyzing the data.

What are the major differences between a data lake and a data mart? ›

A data lake contains all raw data that an organization has, while a data mart has filtered and well-structured data prepared for a specific function or department. A data mart can allow quick analyses since the data is specific, while data lakes can allow deeper analyses as they hold large amounts of raw data.

What are the pros and cons data warehouse vs data lake? ›

Data lakes and data warehouses are fundamentally very different storage solutions, each with their own pros and cons: Warehouses are more secure and easier to use, but more costly and less agile. Data lakes are flexible and less expensive, but they require expert interpretation and lack the same level of security.

Is SQL a data lake? ›

A data lake is a centralized repository that allows for the storage of structured and unstructured data at any scale. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to communicate with and manipulate databases.

Is data lake SQL or NoSQL? ›

Data lakes serve as the primary method of creating a system that combines data types. Offering some of the best features of both SQL and NoSQL databases, data lakes combines both structured and unstructured data, due to the fact that there is no set data schema for the data lake.

Is Azure Data Lake a database? ›

A data lake is essentially a centralized repository for organizations to store vast amounts of structured and unstructured data at scale. Unlike traditional databases, data lakes store data in its raw format.

What is the difference between data store and data lake? ›


A data lake is a massive repository of structured and unstructured data, and the purpose for this data has not been defined. A data warehouse is a repository of highly structured historical data which has been processed for a defined purpose.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.