How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (2024)

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If my dad haspotato chips, he insists on having French onion dip. I remember him going to the store and selecting a certain brand—it had to be that specific brand or it was no good. If the store didn't carry it, it was pretty much the end of the world.

When I was a teenager and beginning to take a serious interest in cooking and nutrition, I thought to myself that there must be a way to make my dad's beloved French onion dip more healthy. The ingredient list on the store-bought version was long and complicated. My dad insisted that, to make the party dip at home, you had to buy dried onion soup mix. The mix was filled with just as many unpronounceable ingredients as the dip itself, so I thought it was a hopeless business.I tried my hand at making caramelized sweet onion dips. They were delicious, but a completely different flavor than the dip my dad loved. Then, I decided to simplify things and just throw some herbs and spices into sour cream(or yoursubstitute forsour cream). To my surprise, it tasted very close to the pre-packaged dip. My dad even commented on how good it was.

True, this dip isn't an exact replica of store-bought French onion dip. But mine doesn't contain MSG. And it's quite similar, in my opinion. Plus, it's super, super easy to mix up. Simply stir some dried herbs and spices into sour cream, and you have a delicious, addicting healthy snack! It's a yummy quick-fix Super Bowl snack to bring to a watch party. Just pull out a bag of potato chips and dive in!

What is French onion dip?

The store-bought kind? There's too many ingredients to list. This homemade version is simple: the base is sour cream; but it's the dried onion, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and parsley that give it that heavenly onion flavor.

What is the difference between French onion dip and onion dip?

Traditionally, French onion dip is made with a packet of dried onion soup mix. This recipe uses ingredients found in that soup mix, without all the unnecessary extra stuff. Onion dips, such as caramelized onion dip, are delicious, but different. They typically use fresh onions that you cook down until golden and caramelized. There's also often ingredients like mayonnaise andcream cheese that you won't find in French onion dips.

Why is my French onion dip?

As sour cream sits, the whey from the dairy sometimes puddles on top. This is totally normal, and completelyharmless! Simply give the dip a good stir and serve as normal. The liquid will mix right back in.

Can French onion dip be made ahead of time?

Of course! In fact, it needs to sit for at least an hour for the dried onion to soften and for all of the flavors to come together. The longer it sits, the better it tastes, so feel free to stir it together a few days before serving.

How long does French onion dip last?

Stored properly in the fridge, French onion dip will last 5 to 7 days. This dip is so tasty, though, it'll likely get gobbled up in just a few days, if not hours!

What do you servewith French onion dip?

The obvious answer is good, salty potato chips! But any sort of cracker or sliced veggie would be tasty too. Sliced peppers, cucumbers, or carrots would pair well for a healthy snack!

Should French onion dip be refrigerated?

Yes! Since the main ingredient is sour cream, this is one dip you'll want to keep chilled. Don't let it sit out for more than 2 hours!

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6 serving(s)
Prep Time:
5 mins
Total Time:
5 mins


  • 1 c.

    sour cream

  • 1 Tbsp.

    dried chopped onion

  • 1 tsp.

    onion powder

  • 1

    pinch garlic powder

  • 1/4 tsp.

    kosher salt

  • 1 Tbsp.

    finely chopped fresh parsley, or 1 teaspoon dried parsley


    1. Step1Place sour cream in a small bowl. Add dried onion, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and parsley. Mix together very well until completely uniform. Taste with a chip and adjust seasonings if necessary.
    2. Step2Refrigerate for 1 hour to allow the flavors to meld and the dried onion to soften. Store in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (2)

The base for this dip is lovely, creamy, tangy, full-fat sour cream. I like to buy sour cream that has one or two ingredients.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (4)

Here’s where most of the magic happens: dehydrated chopped onions! You only need about a tablespoon.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (6)

To boost the onion flavor and distribute it more evenly throughout the dip, add a teaspoon of onion powder.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (8)

You'll also want to add just a bit of garlic powder for a little kick.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (10)

Of course, you need salt. French onion dip is quite salty!

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (12)

Lastly, some finely chopped parsley adds a little freshness. You can use dried parsley as well.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (14)

Mix it together very well. You don't want pockets of un-mixed salt or garlic powder.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (16)

Give it a taste and adjust the seasonings if necessary. Make sure to taste it with a chip. Most chips are pretty salty, so you'll need less salt than you think than if you taste the dip plain.

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (18)

This is a great dip to liven up plain potato chips. If you choose chips that are organic and fried in olive, coconut, or avocado oil, this can be a pretty healthy snack. Or at least it's not horribly unhealthy. Which means the same thing, right? Right?

How to Make French Onion Dip in 5 Minutes (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.