How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (2024)

TikTok’s popularity has been on the rise since its inception, but its breakthrough moment came in 2020.

We were all stuck in our homes, craving for human connection. The platform was a breath of fresh air. It connected us with the outside world through bite-sized, relatable vertical videos.

TikTok has been on an unwavering quest to take over the social media landscape ever since, and it did so with surprising effectiveness:

According to Apple’s report, TikTok became the 5th most downloaded app in the App Store in 2023.

Whether you have tried TikTok marketing before, or you’re completely new to the platform, you might be wondering:

How can you use TikTok for marketing?

In this article, we’ll cover 6 of the most effective ways to nail your TikTok marketing, and how to optimize your TikTok ads for more impact.

But first:

Who’s the audience for your TikTok marketing?

TikTok is famously known for pioneering short-format vertical videos and quirky dances. Many also associate it with its young audiences. This makes most people believe that TikTok's only audience is Gen Z.

But this is a misconception.

Although 57% of TikTok creators are Gen Z, the audience is now primarily older. According to Exploding Topics, over 52% of TikTok users are above the age of 30.

How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (1)

This has major implications for TikTok advertising.

Marketing on TikTok is no longer reserved for Gen Z audiences. Brands can now reach all demographics on the platform, and by neglecting this, you may be leaving opportunities on the table:

According to TikTok, millennials are 2.3x more likely to tag and engage with a brand than any other demographic on the platform. You can clearly drive business results by targeting demographics other than Gen Z with your TikTok marketing.

In this article, we’ll go through 6 of the most influential tips to help you build your TikTok marketing strategy:

1. Match the platform’s aesthetics
2. Take advantage of native features
3. Combine TikTok advertising with other platforms
4. Optimize videos with attention analysis tools
5. Tap into influencer marketing
6. Leverage user-generated content with hashtags

Let’s dive in:

1. Match the platform’s aesthetics with your TikTok ads

Social media ads receive 3.4 seconds of attention on average. Combined with the fact that 64% of all content drives negative emotions you see why cutting through the noise on social media is so difficult.

The solution?

Make videos specifically for TikTok. Take inspiration from native, user-generated TikTok videos:

How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (2)

TikTok videos with expensive studio lights, ultra-high resolution cameras, and professional angles won’t fit into the native feed of your TikTok audience.

Is that a bad thing?

Not necessarily. But your videos will look like ads. Unless your audience works in advertising, chances are they don’t watch ads recreationally.

Try to match TikTok’s aesthetics so your videos can seamlessly fit into the users’ content flow. Use handheld cameras, low-fidelity lighting, and narration. Use selfies and build storylines. The best TikTok ads are built for TikTok.

This will make your content feel less intrusive.

Use TikTok’s native open captions for your subtitles to enhance accessibility. This will not only help you create better engagement, and reach wider audiences but may even yield SEO benefits.

TikTok has many great features to help you. Make good use of them.

This brings us to our next point:

2. Take advantage of native features in your TikTok marketing strategy

Every platform has its unique features for creators.

TikTok is no exception.

TikTok’s most recent (and potentially most disruptive) feature allows you to take customers through the entire marketing funnel without ever leaving the platform.

The feature is called TikTok Shop.

How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (3)

Although the concept is fairly new in the Western Hemisphere, TikTok’s Chinese equivalent, Douyin is already one of the biggest online retailers in its respective region.

TikTok hopes to replicate its predecessor’s success:

The company aims to generate a staggering 17.5 billion dollars in total sales in its TikTok Shop in 2024 alone.

This is certainly ambitious, but it highlights the importance of utilizing native features. Integrating the shopping function into your TikTok marketing could open up new revenue streams for your brand.

Doing it all on one platform may be game-changing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from spreading out your content to multiple platforms:

3. Combine TikTok advertising with other platforms to prime audience attention

TikTok doesn’t exist in isolation.

Most users are likely interacting with other forms of media, such as television, streaming platforms, and OOH ads. You can use these dimensions of your advertising to enhance the effectiveness of your TikTok marketing game.

Our studies with TikTok found that priming audiences on TikTok had a significant positive impact on the audience’s interactions with branded content on other platforms.

Those primed on TikTok paid more attention to brand cues like product shots or branding when they saw them later on TV or streaming services.

How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (4)

If you’re using an omnichannel marketing strategy, these findings may influence your storytelling.

Not only did TikTok’s priming result in higher engagement, it also elevated the audience's perception of the brand.

Both by itself and when coupled with other platforms, ad performance on TikTok is bolstered by preceding content. We found a 27% increase in aided brand recall when users saw brands' organic TikTok content before paid ads.

You can read more about this in our State of Advertising 2023 eBook.

Do you know what else can boost your brand recall among TikTok viewers?

4. Optimize TikTok marketing with attention analysis

Imagine going viral with a piece of organic content, just to fail at leaving a lasting brand impression. Happens more often than you think.

We can get so caught up in hunting TikTok likes, that we often take our eyes off the real prize: driving business results.

That’s the risk you take every time you don’t consider what captures attention in your TikTok videos.

How can you make outstanding TikTok ads?

Use attention visualization tools like Predict to optimize your TikTok content.

Predict is built on a robust database of high-quality eye-tracking and behavioral data. It can accurately predict where your audience is looking while watching your ads.

From optimizing video engagement to leaving a strong memory trace, the possibilities are endless for visual content optimization. To get a headstart you can read our blog on maximizing video effectiveness.

Attention optimization can be especially useful for driving brand awareness.

But not all content is branded content. At least, not explicitly:

5. Tap into influencer marketing on TikTok

According to the original theory of the two-step flow of communication, mass media rarely influences the opinions of the many. Most of us don’t have the time and resources to evaluate every option.

Which is why we rely heavily on the opinions of others.

Our opinions about products, politics, or ideas are often mediated by a trusted source. This trusted source is what we call an opinion leader. They can be our neighbors, family members, or online influencers.

In short, consumers often adopt the beliefs of a trusted opinion leader.

The emphasis is on trust.

TikTok is often praised by its users as the “most relatable” social media platform. Being original, honest, and authentic is actively encouraged by the community. This relatability makes creators seem more trustworthy. This makes for an excellent opportunity for brands to tap into influencer marketing.

According to Sprout Social, 61% of marketers already use TikTok for influencer marketing.

Celebrity endorsem*nts are the predecessors of influencer marketing.

We know that using beloved celebrities in advertising can result in higher levels of positive emotions towards the ads. This is why seemingly every Super Bowl commercial involves celebrities. Celebrity endorsem*nts help brands to boost trust and engagement.

Paid influencers aren’t the only ones wielding the power to persuade your target audience to try your products and services. We haven’t talked about the best influencers of them all:

Our friends and family.

This is what this next tip takes advantage of:

6. Use hashtags to engage TikTok viewers & encourage user-generated content

Why make all the content yourself, when you can outsource content creation to your following?

You can do just that with the strategic use of hashtags in your TikTok marketing.

Hashtags are extraordinarily powerful on TikTok. They allow brands to jump on or create new trends, and encourage users to build native content around the brand, product, and community.

You may jump on existing trends to enhance your visibility or build your own hashtag trend.

A prime example of this is encouraging your audience to share their unboxing experiences.

Unique unboxing experiences can elevate the perceived value of your product. They bring prime opportunities to build organic buzz around your brand and product.

(Learn what makes unboxing experiences memorable in this blog post.)

A well-built TikTok marketing strategy cannot be complete without taking advantage of hashtags.

Not only do hashtags create brand awareness, but they also create massive amounts of organic exposure.


We hope this article helped you get a better understanding of how to use TikTok for marketing.

As a bonus tip, you may want to explore how the subconscious of your audience plays into the relationship you have with your ads.

Incorporate these best practices into your TikTok marketing and your ads will make the impact you're looking for.

To achieve your goals with your TikTok ads, you can:

1. Match the platform’s aesthetics with your TikTok ads
2. Take advantage of native features in your TikTok marketing strategy
3. Combine TikTok advertising with other platforms to prime audience attention
4. Optimizing TikTok marketing with attention analysis
5. Tap into influencer marketing on TikTok
6. Use hashtags to engage TikTok viewers & encourage user-generated content

Do you want to enhance your marketing performance even more?

Check out our attention analysis tool Predict.

How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons (2024)


How to Use TikTok for Marketing + TikTok Ads Best Practices | Neurons? ›

TikTok ad specs

Keep in-feed ad content well-framed with your product in clear view. Ensure that captioning elements don't overlap with your CTA, your body copy, or the engagement buttons on the right side of the screen. TikTok video ads should always be vertically oriented and uploaded in the highest resolution.

What are the best practices for TikTok ads? ›

TikTok ad specs

Keep in-feed ad content well-framed with your product in clear view. Ensure that captioning elements don't overlap with your CTA, your body copy, or the engagement buttons on the right side of the screen. TikTok video ads should always be vertically oriented and uploaded in the highest resolution.

How TikTok can be used for marketing? ›

Use TikTok to show off product tutorials and use cases, join challenges, jump on trends, make your audience laugh and more. You can sell products through TikTok, generate leads and increase brand awareness. TikTok offers a number of business tools—video editing, analytics, ads and more.

What are the best practices for TikTok ad captions? ›

15+ Tips for Writing Engaging Captions for TikTok
  • Add captions that complement the video content. ...
  • Keeping captions simple and easy to read. ...
  • Use humor and wit in captions. ...
  • Craft captions that evoke emotions. ...
  • Pose questions to the viewers. ...
  • Use trending sounds. ...
  • Utilize relevant hashtags. ...
  • Match the tone of the video.

How to make great TikTok ads the complete 2024 guide? ›

Make sure you're using a TikTok for Business account (if you're not, it's free and easy to switch).
  1. Create a new Campaign. First, go to the TikTok Ads Manager and hit the Campaign button in the top menu. ...
  2. Create an Ad Group. Okay, the campaign—the highest level of organization for TikTok Ads—is done. ...
  3. Submit your Ad.
May 1, 2023

How do you create a successful TikTok marketing strategy? ›

9 best TikTok marketing strategies
  1. Include a compelling call to action (CTA) ...
  2. Start with broad targeting and refine. ...
  3. Use full-screen vertical videos. ...
  4. Unlock the full potential of A/B testing. ...
  5. Run short and snappy creative assets. ...
  6. Leverage Custom Audiences on TikTok. ...
  7. Produce high-resolution video ads.
May 17, 2024

How effective is TikTok for advertising? ›

According to TikTok, 83% of users find the app's advertisem*nts entertaining, and 1 in 4 users worldwide have bought or looked into a product after seeing it on the app (source: TikTok).

How to promote a product on TikTok? ›

Here are 8 steps to get you on your way:
  1. Create your account. ...
  2. Switch your account to “Pro”. ...
  3. Create content. ...
  4. Engage with your audience. ...
  5. Utilize influencer marketing. ...
  6. Promote user-generated content. ...
  7. Explore other selling options on TikTok. ...
  8. Take advantage of TikTok's resource center.

Why use TikTok for promotion? ›

First launched in 2021, TikTok Promote is an in-app advertising feature that allows users to quickly boost their content and turn their organic videos into ads. Users can leverage the feature to get more views on TikTok, website visits, followers, messages or profile views.

What is the impact of TikTok on marketing? ›

Reaching out to TikTok influencers and including them in your brand's social media strategy can help you gain a larger brand audience. E-Commerce brands today prefer TikTok influences in 2023 over other platforms. 42% of U.S. marketers used TikTok for influencer marketing in 2021, and the number continues to rise.

How do you promote ads on TikTok? ›

How to create an ad
  1. Go to an existing campaign or ad group.
  2. Turn on/off the Smart Creative Ads toggle.
  3. Enter an ad name. ...
  4. Turn on/off the Identity toggle.
  5. Select your ad format - Single video, Carousel, or Collection Ads. ...
  6. Add your media. ...
  7. Choose a thumbnail for your video.

How do I optimize my TikTok ads? ›

One of the best ways to optimise your TikTok ads is with TikTok Ads Manager - the platform where you manage your TikTok ads - which offers a wide range of targeting (gender, age, interest, location...) to determine precisely which audience you want to see your ads.

How do I find the best TikTok ads? ›

TikTok has launched a new Ad Library tool, currently called 'Top Ads', which enables you to search for the best performing TikTok ad campaigns, by vertical and region, in order to get inspiration from their approach.

How long should a TikTok ad be best practice? ›

The best way to ensure that your video ad content is not trimmed, keep the video length between 9 and 15 seconds.

How do I become successful with TikTok ads? ›

To get the best results from your TikTok ad campaigns, follow these best practices:
  1. Think TikTok-first. ...
  2. Refresh your creative often. ...
  3. Focus on the hook. ...
  4. Promote at the right time. ...
  5. Use attention-grabbing sound, text and editing techniques. ...
  6. Incorporate hashtags. ...
  7. Incorporate interactive add-ons. ...
  8. Partner with influencers.
May 28, 2024

How do you structure TikTok ads? ›

To set up a campaign:
  1. Log in to your TikTok Ads Manager account.
  2. Click Create ad.
  3. Choose an objective.
  4. Set a campaign name. Note: Campaign names support 512 characters.
  5. Declare a special ad category, if relevant.
  6. Toggle on/off Create split test and Campaign budget optimization.
  7. Set a campaign budget.

How do I find best performing TikTok ads? ›

Steps to use Top Ads Dashboard

Click Inspiration and go to Top Ads Dashboard. If you have a specific product or keyword you're looking for, directly use the search bar. If not, skip this step. Filter your search by Region, Industry, Campaign Objective, Likes, Duration, and Time frame.


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.